I am excited that you’ve wandered into All Swartz of Travel! If you are wandering around on this page, I am making an assumption that you’d like to get to know me a little better. I am a husband of 26 years to my amazing bride Onalee. She is the love of my life, and has been the best friend and lover a guy could ever ask for. We have three amazing adult kids. I consider myself to be an incredibly blessed man that in addition to an incredible marriage, I had the most amazing journey with my wife in raising our kids.

I worked for 26 years in local churches in Wisconsin, California and Arizona. Along the way, I stumbled into training pastors globally to help them discover how to add long term value into their communities through mentoring and leadership development. I now do this full time and get the privilege of traveling all over the world each year with to help these amazing leaders see their churches and communities transformed as a result of the training we are able to offer.

As a husband, father, global trainer, writer, traveler and outdoor enthusiast. I have been blessed with an amazing life, and strive everyday to live with gratitude. My family is my greatest joy, and Jesus is my greatest pursuit. I believe that life is an adventure and people are an amazing collection of stories just waiting to be discovered. I think that laughter is a choice and asking questions can be an amazing gift if motivated by genuine love.

“I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” Bonnie Ware


“The power of curiosity cannot be underestimated. Our best advancements in the world were bred out of curiosity, and yet most adults live lives where curiosity is relegated to their childhood, and dreaming is a thing of the past. Bold curiosity says that I see the reality of the world I live in and I chose to believe that there is something better if I would just have the courage to ask different questions. I choose to live life asking if there is more available that what I see…” An excerpt from my upcoming book on curiosity