My first time outside the United States was in 1988. I was on a music group tour for college and we were touring the West Coast, with a stop in British Columbia, Canada. This quick jaunt into Canada was a simple bus ride through what seemed like a glorified toll road plaza, but in my mind, the world was opened up to me. To some, it was just “Canada,” to me, it might as well have been some exotic location in the South Pacific because I had finally stepped outside the United States of America.

You see, since I was in Junior High School, I had a bucket list. I have no idea if it is normal for a Junior Higher to have a bucket list, but I have always been a dreamer. And on that list, there was a dream of visiting all seven continents. At that age, and throughout most of my adult life, I assumed that everyone wanted to visit all seven continents. It was only just recently that I discovered that most people could really care less. But that was my dream. And as I went through High School, I had to figure out how to start working towards that dream. Canada, in my mind, represented a first step towards my goal.

Fast forward 30 years and 50 countries later. I have now been to six of the seven continents. I have seen so much of the world, and it happened in a way that I still find quite unexpected. My trek to 50 countries has been through the filter and lens of working with non-profits, specifically seeking to make a difference in the lives of people that much of the world will never see. I have had the most amazing privilege of seeing most of these 50 countries through eyes of people that most tourists will never meet. Sure, I have seen the tourist sites, but more importantly, I have encountered countless stories that have enriched my life and have opened my eyes to what a truly amazing world we live in, and more importantly, how easy it can be to make a very real difference in our world if we would just open our eyes and ears to the stories that many would love to share.

I invite you to join me on this journey. Many of these stories are of people that I have met over 30 years, and many more will be of those I have yet to meet. Some are hilarious, and I hope you will laugh with me, and quite possibly at me. Some are meant to provoke emotions that may be uncomfortable. I hope you will lean into these stories. They are just as important as the stories that make us feel happy. We need to understand that even uncomfortable stories grow us in meaningful ways.

Throughout each post, I will sprinkle some great tips, hacks and opportunities. As each story unfolds, you will see that there are so many people, organizations, groups, websites, and guides that have made the adventure possible. I will attempt to give all appropriate credit where possible. What I do promise is that I will give every story the most accurate telling and will only change names where security or dignity would be a factor.

I have been dreaming about this blog for many years now. It wasn’t until late 2017 that I finally knew what I really wanted to write about. I am a sucker for people. On the Myers Briggs Personality Type, I am an ENFP, or a “Campaigner.” I’m classified as a free spirit, creative, enthusiastic and always trying to find a reason to smile. This means that I am always a sucker for people’s stories. As I have navigated through 50 countries, I was unaware of the stories I was collecting through all the experiences that this ENFP personality type was stumbling on to. These stories have shaped and impacted my life. My dream is that through sharing them, that they will also impact your life as well. So welcome to my blog. I am excited to share with you the stories that I have, as well as the stories I’ve yet to experience. May they inspire you to see the world as opportunity!


  1. Sarah Swartz

    Wow! Amazing! Can’t wait to read more!

  2. Lyn etTe roesch

    Thank you for taking the time to share with all of us!


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